The following is a basic list of supplies and equipment that are important for all homeowners to have in the event of a disaster or emergency. Additional information can be found at READYLA.ORG.
- Water: 1 gallon per person or pet per day (plan for 3-7 days)
- Food: 3-7 day supply of non-perishable foods like granola bars, crackers, peanut butter, and canned food (don’t forget a manual can opener!), pet food, and baby formula
- Battery-operated or hand-crank radio
- Flashlight and batteries
- Whistle to signal for help
- Duct tape and plastic sheeting
- Hygiene supplies, toilet paper, wet wipes, garbage bags
- Tools: Shut-off wrench for gas lines, hammer, pliers, shovel, axe, hard hat, working gloves
- Local maps
- Blankets and sleeping bags
- Extra clothes and good shoes
- Medications and spare or old eyeglasses